This weekend was one of those notches in the wood for Colette. Actually two notches. The first was more for Mommy than her - Saturday was the first time I braided her hair. Given my job as resident hair braider for all four years of volley ball in High School, I sometimes thought about what it would be like to braid my own girl's hair. So here it is, and she even sat still and let me do it! More fun.
Notch two is one of those somewhat monumental steps for those of us who gave in to the pacifier. Today, Sunday February 17th, Colette mailed her "suckies" to her little friend Anderson. We would have mailed them to either cousin Ellie or Halle, but she doesn't recognize either one by picture yet :(. So, since Anderson is her buddy, and she knows who he is from his Christmas picture, we thought he would be a good choice. Now, he is technically a "baby", which is what we were looking for in candidate, but he is the same height and almost ten pounds heavier than Colette! Even so, she actually seemed ok with it, and so I went along with her restrained enthusiasm. I got out the mailing envelope and explained what we were going to do (we have been talking about this and gradually weening her from them for a while), and she put the suckies in the envelope with little prompting! All the while, pointing at Anderson's picture. I quickly rounded up Josh and Calvin and we headed over to the post office. The stamp machine was not working, so we headed to the other post office near us. This too did not have a functional machine. Determined to mail these suckies off, I decided Colette didn't care if they didn't have a stamp on them, and I just wanted them out of the house, so we mailed them anyway, sans stamps. By the time they come back to us, she'll be long over them, right? We can only hope. We celebrated with some chocolate dipped cones from Mickey D's. Here's the pix:
So proud of you Collette! And don't worry about us getting the suckies, we don't like them anyways... But we will gladly take them if it helps mom!
Nicholle (mom of Anderson)
I missed this one. Did you have a busy night? How has it gone since then? Your mother and I went to similar lengths with your brother, Christian and your cousin, Ben. Only it involved BRIBES. Your parents had to buy a new bike. We got off easy with a Swiss Army Knife! And it was thumb-sucking for us. I don't remember what Christian's issue was.
Thanks for bringing my own braiding days back, Abby! I LOVED braiding Sarah's hair! We loved our braiding time when she was a little girl. I still miss those times and look forward to being given the chance to do it all over again with a granddaughter some day.
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